Tuesday, October 13, 2009

April 20, 2006 - A Poem About Nothing~Tell Me What You Think

As night falls,
The people I knew,
Devolve into shadows,
Ethereal folk,
Who I no longer trust,
No longer believe in.

All the same faces,
Just different shapes,
All one color,
Makes everything simpler.

But why trust a shadow,
I know nothing about?
He may tell me his name,
But that's all I get.

Anything more,
Would be spilling too much.

Underneath that ghastly hide,
Lie so many secrets,
That he never will tell,
An effort to conceal imperfections,


We all become shadows,
Consumed by the guilt,
Of being ourselves.

The more we deny it,
The farther we fall,
Farther from light,
Farther from hope,
Farther from justice,
Farther from truth.

In seeking perfection,
We only get further,
The truth lies above you,
Hangs over your head,
The light,
From the bulb,
Streames onto the face,
Of an empty soul.

Too bad you lost,
Your ability to feel,
To taste,
To touch,
To see,
To hear.

All of it falls,
Upon a shriveled heart,
A parched tounge,
A paralyzed hand,
A sightless eye,
A deaf ear.

The sun has forgotten to shine,
Because you have forgotten,
To see it.

Or does the sun still shine,
And you simply don't know it?
Has the sun forgotten you?

Your lack of emotion,
Your stone cold heart,
Your fake lives,
Your filthy habits.

Have isolated you,
From Yourself.

((I'm not going to tell you who wrote it to avoid getting feedback based on the relationship that the person has with the author. But nontheless, you can still comment))

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