Tuesday, October 13, 2009

April 15, 2006 - What the Hell?

Why do I suddenly feel all nostalgica, like the world is passing me by and standing on the sidelines waving at the people who caught the train? Memories don't make me happy, they just make me wish I could go back. It's as if I walked through a tunnel and lost track of time. Before I knew it, they'd layed a wall of concrete over the entrance and I can't get back no matter how hard I try. Aren't memories supposed to make you smile and say, "Good times, good times..." They used to, but not anymore. When the current situation is much worse than before, I wish I could wrap myself in those memories like a blanket. Warm and comforting, all the times I miss. Often times I want to cry because I miss them so much. Ava, Ashley, Britney. Three seperate people from three seperate places, but we had so much fun. Not together of course, but each one of them. Back them we were such goofballs. Time and Money meant absolutely nothing and we were free as the wind. Why did it all have to change? What the Hell is going on?

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